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Thursday, August 25, 2011

A battle with forever.

Smiles fade as the picture has been taken,
Everyone starts their lives back again- faking.
Pretending to be actors,
Of their own imaginary factors.

There's the mother trying to keep the bonds together,
Thinking about her promise to forever,
And how she can make it work,
Not breaking the previous promise she had made.

She hides her hurt with smiles,
Misleading everyone around.
She fights and fights,
But cries through every night.

There is a father who is smiling at his child,
And after the picture is taken goes out for a bottle of wine.
Not any different in any way,
Its just a dejavu of what happens everyday.

He hides in his addictions,
To try and keep his image up to his competition.
He keeps himself away,
Trying not to think of how much forever will make him pay.

There is the husband's sister,
Living with this family makes her bitter.
Once the flash has finally faded,
The truth in her watery eyes is stated.

She just went through breaking a promise to forever,
Has a kid that she has to pull together.
Both live in this house of insanity,
Both living in fear of being tricked by forever.

Her mom left many years ago,
She's had to take care of her sister ever since.
And they both live in this house of broken smiles,
Just to give a show to whoever watches.

All trying to get one another,
And often forgetting about each other.
Somewhere in between the lines of war,
The happiness of the two little ones seems far.

One promise broken to forever,
Gets the crowd together,
And they observe with disgust,
That woman who has broken the trust.

The husband tries to keep his promise,
But his sister is going insane,
And he's too busy attending to the bottle's demands,
So he usually forgets and has no spare hands.

Everyday screams are heard from the walls of the apartment,
Even though silence is apparent.
You can hear the beating of the children and the breaking of glass,
Though everyone pictures them as high class.

Ironic how the family portrait just shows what others can see,
Showing that impressions are often not what they seem.
We'll see if forever is kept this time around,
Before happiness no longer can be found.

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