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Thursday, February 3, 2011

UNmeaningful words

How many times have we heard I love you?  How many times have we heard that we're special? How many times have we heard that we're different than the rest?
The true meaning of I love you has lost its value, because its not being used in the proper way. People who have no idea what true love is are saying these words as if they came for free and without consequence. Words have lost so much of their meaning in the past decade and have managed to affect different important aspects of society. Communication, relationships and learning have been greatly affected because of this change in meaning.

Fewer and fewer couples actually stay together these days, they get pressured and tired of each other too fast. But here is something to think about... what starts fast, ends fast. Relationships are not born over night, and they are not based on looks or money. Problem with us teenagers is that we fall in love with the idea of falling in love and our hormones don't really help us in this process. We fall easily for that one person who shows that he cares and who says all the things we want to hear. Endless load of meaningful words and promises fill our ears and we fall for all of it. We fall at first because what we hear has a big meaning to us and we would not be able to say these words without truly feeling this way, nevertheless that is not always the same from the person saying these words.

As a little girl I used to look forward to meeting my prince charming... innocence is a big thing. The only reason why innocence is so valuable is  because we have no idea what is really going on in the world and we have this fantasy world in our minds where everything is good and we all have happy endings. We did not understand words and their meanings and things were so much simpler. We understood the things that were necessary at the time for us, the things we needed to simply survive. Those times were easy times, just because we had no idea on what was going on... and sometimes being naive to our world is not that bad at all. Relationships are a lot easier to maintain when you are younger and conflicts are resolved playing rather than with speaking. Communication not always makes relationships easier to maintain, in fact it can make things more complicated.

As kids our world is perfect, no troubles and no concerns on anything else than toys and what we'll be eating today. Sometimes we look back at those days and wish we could go back to that for at least a day, I certainly do. The times where you did not have to think about the intentions that your friends might have to play with you, times where you did not care about what other people thought and you could be brutally honest and not care what people thought of what you said... Good days indeed. Days where we did not think about what we were going to say and how that next person was going to take it.

Problem with current times is how words have lost their meaning and have just been reduced to simply non valued words. Words do not have the same meaning that they had before because people have just used important words so commonly that they have just lost their importance. We're so used of saying and hearing "I love you" that it doesn't even mean the same anymore, its use is underrated.

We misuse words everyday, exaggerating what we truly are feeling and what we want. All of this influences how the next generation views words. Even inappropriate words have entered our everyday language, becoming more common around the world. Song lyrics even contain these inappropriate words, and young kids find themselves singing along to these songs, without understanding the true meaning of what they are saying. As we grow up, these words take up a different meaning in our minds, becoming sometimes far off from what its meaning was last decade.

Words are so important, that they can even change history. As society changes and with us our language, past history changes with us. Events in our minds happen in a different way or might have a different meaning to us. As words meanings change, we see our past differently making history even opinionated at times.

We often forget the true meaning of words, making communication so much more complicated. Conversations, relationships and learning are greatly affected by these changes in the meanings of our words and lead to misunderstandings.

1 comment:

  1. However, it´s not about words. It does not matter if you say that you can bring the moon over to someone, it´s the fact that you can do it what counts the most.

    The real issue is believing in meaningless words, other than any other thing.

    It doesn´t matter if someone says ´´i love you´´. It´s up to you if you believe in empty words or not.

    I think that the sinner is not the liar, is the don´t tell someone ´´i love you´´ just let them know. We have to show people what we are capable of, instead of making promises about the sky when we don´t even have any wings.

    My point is...The good part about being young is that we can say ´´i love you´´ making a big error. We can take wrong paths without regreating afterwards. WE CAN MAKE MISTAKES. And that is why we are young: to learn.

    Waste those words. Make mistakes, let´s stop doing it after we got married and then everything falls appart. We HAVE to do it now...or never.

    But you made a great post, you sure have a point. Great mind Liddy :)
