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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The sibling language

Its rather complex to try and explain the relationship between siblings. Unless you live it you won't know what in the world I am talking about. I am the eldest of 3 siblings. My brother is 5 years younger than me and my little sister 10 years younger than me; imagine that! Over the years we've had so many reasons why to fight and hate each other. In one way or another we have managed to still be alive, even though all of us who have a large family must know that this task seems rather impossible at times.

It is hard to understand the thrill of just wanting to make each other's life impossible in one way or another. Its fun stuff though... as long as you're not being the one bothered! So many times our things are moved from one place to another or taken without our consent or permission. Simple things like that get to our nerves at times. I mean how are we supposed to react? They are taking our things right? And then we manage to try and do something similar to them in order to teach them a lesson. But it ends up being an endless chain of "getting back jokes" that one can't even remember who even started it!

I still remember that one time where I pushed my brother to the pool with his clothes on because he had thrown my phone to the pool. So... you could say that I made him go get it. But anyway, my point being that these chains of endless jokes to one another are one of the most annoying things when growing up, nevertheless those are the memories that you look back at when you get older. Those are the memories that you tell your grandchildren and your children when they start growing up, to explain to them that its natural... that siblings are just mean to each other most of the times.

I will probably drag on this post for a couple more paragraphs just talking about how we manage to be alive today. For most part, we didn't end up killing one another (not literally) because of my mom. Without her we wouldn't be alive... in more than one way.
The endless times where she came in to shut us up in the middle of the night to try and make us sleep because we had started playing games without her knowing since we were not tired. I don't know why... but kids have always that drive to want to stay awake, for most part because of all the fairy-tale stories that they are being told about... like the tooth-fairy, santa claus, etc... I mean, I remember me and my siblings staying up till late just to see if we could catch a fairy or see santa claus during christmas days. Anyway, going back to what I was saying... my mom is the real reason why we are STILL alive today. I remember the times where she would catch my brother putting "traps" in my room to see if I would fall for them and end up breaking something important (he was mean, i know). But it didn't matter since i knew what he loved (food) and I knew how to get mom to say no to him by just telling her about all that he had eaten in the day.

My mom is a health freak and she wants us to be healthy. She never let us have too much candy, or too much dessert and she was always concerned (even today) about our/her weight. Anyway, I would give my brother my cookie and end up telling her he stole it or something... Then I would end up getting his cookie for the rest of the week... he usually hated me for it. I remember the first time my brother made me cry... he was 2 years old and walking already and he took his hard plastic toy guitar and hit me in the head with it. It was then when I knew that our relationship would not be too friendly.

Things always happened and we would always blame things on one another, making my mom even more mad and just grounding all of us no matter who's fault it was. Then during the time where we couldn't go out and had to stay at home we would fight over who's fault it was and one always ended up hurt or crying. It was the way things worked... Its the language of brothers.

We would always want the same spot in the table somehow... the one closer to the dessert or to our favorite dish (which was usually common between all of us). That was another reason to fight and we all jumped right at it! I mean... as siblings it is natural to just point out the best opportunities to make each other as irritated as humanly possible... if not.. even more!

Its crazy but no matter how much we say we hate each other, how much we scream at each other and fight with each other, no matter what... whenever we are not close its as if one part of us was missing. Its the common theory of "can't live with you, can't live without you", JUST TO MAKE THINGS A BIT MORE COMPLICATED.

 So this is how it usually goes:

We have fun together doing the most random things!
we hate each other most of the time
we annoy each another 

we get confused

we wanna kill each other for most part

we bring out the worst in one another!
we are confusing....

we get tired of each other
We pretend to like each other to get what we want ;)

But no matter what... we still love one another

1 comment:

  1. Who gave you the rights to write about me? Is this my story or yours? But I could never write it down, my mom will punish us all. But at the end...the truth is, your brothers and sisters are you true and lifelong friends
