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Friday, January 14, 2011


Why is it that human beings create things and trends just to make life harder on himself?
Look at the things that are "cool" when you're young and end up ruining or determining your entire life:

Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Being lazy, Partying and so many others which in excess result in things like
- you become an addict
- lose precious time
- lose your life
- become pregnant
- make dumb decisions
- mistakes you can't take back
- forgetting who you are
- forgetting the people who matter
- creating a wrong image of yourself
- pushes you away from God

And so many other things... I just ask myself... is it really worth it? 
We happen to make our lives so much more complicated than what they actually are. Life is hard as it is, why do we want to make it so much more difficult? 
Keeping true to yourself is the key to success, the key to enjoying all stages of your life. Being cool for 4 years of high school and throwing the rest away because of it is not something smart to do. 
It sounds so stupid when you actually put it as a question...
"Should I use drugs with my friends so that I am cooler in school and more popular even though this might ruin me and end up destroying my entire life?" 

It sounds stupid because IT IS STUPID. But we have this obsession of trying to fit in when our goal should be standing out. We all say we want to be different but all we care is being part of a group and being loved by the rest. What we don't realize is that in fact, the rest care nothing about us. They just want something to talk about, and doing the craziest things give room for the greatest things to talk about, for the "coolest" stories.

But is it worth it? Are the people who are there with you doing all of those things going to be there when you truly need someone? Are they using you? 

Human beings can be stupid when they want to be, what makes us even more stupid is the fact that half of the time we know the consequences of "being cool" can bring but we decide to ignore all of it and just think that it will never happen to us. Now think again, wake up! None of us have any special powers, we have our own talents and strengths and thats it. Either you do something with that or you don't and its all in you. You are given the choice, and the power to decide over your life...

Are you gonna follow the crowd? 
Or will you just decide that you'll be uncool?
Because being uncool is what makes you different
and what will make the difference in what you will become tomorrow.

I choose to be uncool.
Do you?

1 comment:

  1. Fitting In Vs. Standing Out ! So wise! I choose Standing Out.
