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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Magic? Where are you?

I had not written anything in a long time. But I thought I would share these thoughts with you.

I still remember when I found out that Santa, the tooth fairy, and so many other magical things were not real. I felt crushed because these were the things I thought kept life a little more interesting and magical being a child. I suddenly started falling down a path that most go, asking who I was and why I was here on earth. Honestly figuring out who you are is much more difficult than what it appears. I often ask myself this question in order to something to continue fighting for. By all means this does not make me a perfect person, and I still wait to see the first person that is but it is a way to keep my head in perspective and match my actions to the person I wish to become. I remember feeling like this world was quite boring and sad without all the magical lies that had been such a big part of my life for so many years. So now what? I continued going to school, learning and growing up and suddenly life felt more like a routine with no end than a life that made me feel fulfilled and happy. 

Today it is all a routine full of responsibilities that need to be met and constant change. College and work taking most of my time as well as it does to most of us that fight for first class seat in the future. Its all something that needs to be done in order to live in the current society that we do, and it is perceived as the responsible and right thing to do. Countless nights without sleep because of studying, and the usual routine of everyday makes me forget sometimes the little things that make this world magical. It is true it is full of things that are far from magical, that do not need to be mentioned because it just common knowledge that they exist, but there are also so many beautiful things that happen everyday that we don't even notice. I have spent most of my life looking for some kind of paranormal phenomenon or some kind of big appearance that could explain it all up and make this life feel a little less boring. And there lies the problem itself, by not realising the little things that just make everything worthwhile. The hug that your parents give you good morning or goodnight, the kiss you receive from your grandparents, the sunset and the sunrise,  the beauty of the rain, the beauty of nature, the colors of the flowers, the not so usual rainbows that cover the skies, the little note saying I love you, the fact that you are alive and healthy, that you can walk and breathe, that you can see the stars in the sky at night, and so many other things. 

I believe that the magic in the world can be found where we stop and really see at what surrounds us rather than just looking. There is where the real magic lies, in the little things that make life special and beautiful. The magic of the early years never disappeared, our minds just grew too busy to really appreciate the true magic of the world.

Because we all expect for magic to be so big and shiny we dismiss the great magic that happens in front of our eyes every instant, every second.

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