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Sunday, January 16, 2011

One thousand friends

You want to be surrounded by people to feel like you are being loved, but we fall into this stereotype where in order to show the world that we are the happiest we need to be surrounded by the most people. We then forget that not everyone thinks in the same way and that not everyone has the best of intentions. Sometimes we know, but we do not want to believe it because in our minds it is what its asked from us in order to fit in. We want to fit in and stand out at the same time, as if having the greater amount of people around you meant anything.

We then surround ourselves with people who are so much more different than us, to show the world that we are so much more special because we happen to be surrounded with the most people. As if people actually cared about that... People are selfish, and people who just want to show the world how great they are, usually the most selfish. Hanging around people like this make us weak, we fall into the trend of the "cool" and forget about the people who truly matter to us.

The one funny thing is that those who are surrounded my the most amount people are usually the most lonely. It is ironic in fact that the ones who want to show off how loved they are are those who don't get love at all. They try to please everyone, failing at it. Having so many different friends creates all types of confusion because they cannot possibly keep true to who they are with every single one of them. And we end up forgetting about who we truly are in order to please everyone else.

A choice...

Having a thousand friends can never replace having a real friend.
Because out of those thousand friends...

There will probably not be one that you can really count on. And what is the whole point of making the world believe that we are happy when we truly are not? And we keep falling for the trap and believing that those with the greater amount of people in their lives are the happiest. Its one of the tricks the world plays on you. Plus, out of those thousand friends you'll find some that are probably the wrong people to be around, some who are just there for your money, some who are just there to take advantage of who you are and some who really are not your friends but pretend to be.

Among those one thousand friends...
There will be people who say they care but do not care at all.
People who lie to you in your face and smile at your jokes but behind your back they don't stop talking about you.
People who manage to be in your life everyday and always seem distant.
People who just want something to talk about.
People who don't truly like you.
People who want to hurt you.
People who are jealous of who you are.
People who want your money.
People who want to change you.

Or you could choose to have one friend...

One who is there for you.
Who trusts you
Who cares about you every step of the way.
One friend who wants to hold your hand through the bad times and the good also.
Who will be there no matter what.
Who knows you and who can tell when there's something wrong with you even though you say no words.
Who loves you for who you are.
Who can accept you with all your flaws.
Who you can be yourself with.

I rather have one friend than a thousand friends. I rather have no friends than to be untrue to who I am.
I refuse to change for the world.

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