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Friday, January 14, 2011

Life control

I think that it is safe to say that we've all  heard the same punch lines about 2,000 times and never have they turned out to be completely true. Is it just another trick or is it sincere? Is it just another game or is this serious? Sometimes, we know what the truth is but fail to accept it and convince ourselves into believing what makes us feel better. Convincing ourselves into lies that end up hurting us, because knowingly we went into our own trap. The signs were there and we chose to ignore them. Who are we to blame but ourselves, when everything was there and we decided not to see it? 

We try and make things look the way that we want them to and at times we imagine things that are not really there. Our minds play games with the truth just to try and make reality less cruel or more on what we want it to be. Our wishes somehow become part of our reality, wishes that are not really concrete and real. We let ourselves fall into an abysm, with no end. Its as if things were not complicated enough as they are, I've mentioned before that the world plays tricks on us and makes us believe in a distorted reality but our own selves are much more dangerous than our environment.

We are our own enemy at times, we forget the things that should be important and replace them with desires of our bodies. Simple things as eating sweets and gaining weight show an unbalance of management to our own bodies; showing that one is being driven by pleasure rather than by need. We eat to live, we don't live to eat and sometimes there is a big confusion between these two. This being just one example of how we can become our own enemy in the most simple of things. 

Sometimes we make ourselves excuses not to do things that matter or that are a priority in our lives. Our minds create a distorted view of the reasons why you did not accomplish what you had intended to accomplish before. This takes the guilt out of us, since in our minds we have reasons why we just could not make what we had planned become a reality. Nevertheless, usually we make ourselves the victims and forget about the importance of the things that we have to do every single day. As if this was not enough, we make excuses in our head for everything. See if these sounds any familiar:
"I'll do that later, I've worked too hard today"
"I'm tired, I'll just rest today and do that tomorrow"
"I should do that work today but I have something else I need to do first... maybe tomorrow"
"I made him feel bad... but he started it"
"I did not attend to her birthday but she was not there for mine"
"I forgot the keys... my maid put them elsewhere so its her fault" 

We create excuses for everything we end up not doing. We create excuses of excuses about things that we cannot get done simply because we are lazy and don't want to get them done. If there is something you need to do, then there will be time for it since you will make time for it. There is no excuses of any kind in the things that have priority in your life. 
Are you going to really stop working because you're tired? No... because you need the money for food and other expenses. Same thing works here, there is simply no excuse not to do what you are supposed to be doing.

If there is no time, then you're wasting time. There is no such thing as "I did not have enough time to finish it",  its all a lie. There is enough time in a day to finish everything one has to get done but you just have to focus on the things that are more important first. One thing we tend to do is that we distract ourselves with silly things... 
"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A 4 HOUR BREAK" or  a "break" off work every hour for unlimited minutes. The one reason why we fail so badly at getting our lives organized is because we simply just don't have a structure in our lives. We love procrastinating and leaving everything to the last minute, THEN we happen to just stress about things because they don't turn out as great as you wanted them to.

Then one says thats gonna change next time.. and it doesn't. 

We make excuses, we make our own image of ourselves and we are not able to see through our own mistakes and weaknesses for most part but this is all because we choose for things to be this way.

Time for a change?

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