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Thursday, January 13, 2011

World Hold On

Cruel truth.

How many times have we said we would change?
How many times have we promised that we would do something about our lives?
How many times have we not looked beyond ourselves?
How many times have we been selfish and forgotten others?

Why is it so hard for a human being to be able to get the strength within him and do things on his own?
We are cowards and prisoners of our own fears, fears of nothing. Things only seem scary when we have never happened to live them before. But why are we so scared of the future when it is today that counts? We live in a world where we try and leave everything we can do today for tomorrow because we assume there is a tomorrow. That is the human mistake; the mistake of assuming that in fact there will be a tomorrow. We happen to think of ourselves as immortals, and forget that we are fragile and that the health that we possess today might not be the same as we do the next day. We assume that life owes us something when in fact it was here before us; it owes us nothing. So many countless times have we forgotten about the true beauty of life because the shiny and the gold distract us.

Life is much more than just money, and it is much more than just survival. When I look back at my life I don’t want to say that I regret anything since I happen to be the person I am today because of the choices and mistakes of my past. When I look into tomorrow I will be fearless, and to all the new challenges that life might bring to me… I am not scared, bring it on.

You only live once, and we sometimes forget that this life is not eternal. Cherish the people who really matter and forget the distractions that the world presents to you in golden platters and shinny signs. The world’s views are meant to distract you, and take you off your path, don’t fall for it. The partying, the drinking, the drugs, the lights, and so many other things are meant to just bring you out of yourself, these things consume you into darkness and suppress the true meaning that you should be giving to your life.

Life is about balancing the important things in ones life, enjoy every single part of it without losing yourself in the image of others. Its all about knowing who to trust and who to stay away from. These are lessons that take years to be understood and unfortunely cannot be taught.

Life is only one, spend it wisely and don’t ever leave anything that you want to say today unsaid. We are not eternal, you never know if you’ll get another chance. 

1 comment:

  1. When did you realize all this? Are you a wise 95 years old? Don't get it!
