Distant place deep down my thoughts,
I’m running away from the nightmares and the dark,
I’m closing the door and moving towards light,
But when I seem to be close to getting it, it comes out of sight;
Let me hold this thought,
Let me be,
Let me forget all that I’ve got,
I just want to be free;
Let me show you I can make it,I can and I will!
So don’t worry and face it,
Just move on but stay still;
As I go out the door,
I can see your face,
I look at the floor,
As she looks away;
I look into her eyes and I see,
The pain that she tries to hide but doesn’t succeed,
I can see,
But I think I’m wrong this is not what she needs;
Everything seems so dark,
Even in the morning light,
I can see in her eyes the spark,
Please dear I don’t want to fight;
My life is just perfect,
I just need to fly,
It’s perfect,
But I need to see the sky;
Sometimes I just want to get it all over,
I just need, I need,
But I just put my cover,
And as I move out the door I put my cover;
My life feels so wrong,
But its perfect,
I know I belong,
I just need to be selected;
Everything is perfect in my life,
I look over my perfect memories,
So why does she take out the knife?,
The days on where I was home, seem like centuries;
Sometimes I just need,
I want to be part of that other perfect whole person,
But I just forget since I need to feed,
Oh! that perfect whole person I just wish…;
I run from the light,
From everything I have known,
I just don’t want to fight,
I try to hide but somehow I am shown;
I look at my perfect everything,
At my perfect job and car,
Oh! my perfect anything!,
I just wish, I wish that everything is over on that bright star,
And as I see that bright star at night,
I turn on the car,
I follow it, and there is nothing more, no fights,
Oh! beautiful star!;
Oh beautiful perfect star!
I just want to thank u for this perfect life,
And as I push the accelerator of the car,
There are just no more fights;
Let it all be over oh beautiful star!
Let my perfect life be perfect,
Let all perfect things on my life be over, and help me move this car,
I finally will be the one selected;
The car starts to move and fade into the dark,
I feel my life going at a speed level,
Memories pass through my mind, I remember from the start,
Suddenly a sound, oh my angel!
Nothing is what it seems,
Its all now over,
No more needs,
No more covers;
Goodbye perfect life,
Goodbye everything I have ever known, all the years being a salesman,
Goodbye to all the life knives,
Goodbye, goodbye my dear.
Based on the inner struggle of the character of Willy from the novel “Death Of A Salesman”